Dreamscapes and AI Harmony: An Animated Music Video for Maria Angeli

In the realm of music videos, this animation is a creative exploration of AI-generated parts and my own hand-drawn skilfullness, resulting in a dreamy visual odyssey, that blurs the boundaries between reality and the realm of dreams.

The story within this animated music video unfolds like a dream, that transitions between two distinct worlds. We begin in a monochromatic world, where a lone figure sits aboard a train.

The story within this animated music video unfolds like a dream, that transitions between two distinct worlds. We begin in a monochromatic world, where a lone figure sits aboard a train.

The graphic style paints a picture of solitude and introspection. As the protagonist appears to fall into slumber, the visuals transform into a dreamlike landscape, awash in soft colours. This transition evokes a sense of wonder and enchantment.

The heart of the dream is inspired by a tale from Alto Adige, where an introverted prince seeks to journey to the moon. After consulting a magician and consuming a mystical offering, he finds himself on the planet, where he falls in love with the moon princess. However, the natural cycle of the moon brings him back to Earth. However not empty-handed; he carries an edelweiss flower, a gift from the moon princess herself.

The music video gracefully transitions back to the graphic, black-and-white world on the train, blurring the lines between dreams and reality. The protagonist discovers the colored edelweiss flower in his hand, hinting that perhaps the dream was not just a figment of imagination.