Animation for New2York

The animation for "New2York" was created to introduce the artists exhibiting at a New York-based art show curated by Olesya Ivanishcheva. To create this animation, I thoroughly examined the works of each artist in order to incorporate distinctive elements that capture their individual styles. In addition to the visuals, I composed the accompanying music for the animation.

Animation for Manuela Ribadeneira

This animation follows the vision of the artist Manuela Ribadeneira. She asked me to help her make an animation about a box, t she does not want to be in or put in. She exposed the animation in an exhibition in Ecuador.

This is only a story board and preview of the work, not the full animation.

T-shirt Illustration for Lightstone

These illustrations were made for Lightstone to support  the critical situation in Ukraine. The illustrations were Silk-screen printed on the t-shirts. One of the two drawings is inspired by the Ukrainian artist Maria Prymachenko. The dove is holding a star as a symbol of light and hope. While the second drawing is inspired by a ceramic jug in form of a rooster which was designed by the artists Valerii Protoriev and Nadiia Protorieva in the 1960s for a factory in Vasylkiv. Every shirt is embroidered by hand and will therefore have a personal touch.
Every shirt is embroidered by hand with a traditional Ukrainian embroidery ornament that stands for protection from the evil, weaknesses and diseases.

These illustrations were made for Lightstone to support Ukraine. One of the two drawings is inspired by the Ukrainian artist Maria Prymachenko. The dove is holding a star as a symbol of light and hope. While the second drawing is inspired by a ceramic jug in form of a rooster which was designed by the artists Valerii Protoriev and Nadiia Protorieva in the 1960s for a factory in Vasylkiv. Every shirt is embroidered by hand with a traditional Ukrainian embroidery ornament that stands for protection from the evil, weaknesses and diseases.

T-shirts Illustration for Plue Meira

These illustrations were made for a canadian brand called Plue Meira.

These illustrations were made for a canadian brand called Plue Meira.

Instruction card for Lokomotive OOO

This guide for Swiss-based brand Lokomotive OOO provides step-by-step instructions on how to measure the garments when placing an online order.