The animation is a tale of transformation, beginning with the brand's original logo, a tribute to its roots, and slowly transitioning to the new and visionary "Universo Maglia" logo.

It is a journey that carries the viewer through the serene landscapes of the Italian countryside—a nod to the brand's origins. As the animation soared higher, it ventured into the expanse of the sky—a symbol of the brand's boundless aspirations. At the heart of this animation is the creation of a bridge between the brand's heritage and its future, telling a story of resilience, growth, and ambition.

The project for Universo Maglia was a fusion of fashion and storytelling. The clothes were transformed into canvases for a narrative, using them as the backdrop for a spellbinding photo narration. Each garment became a page in a larger story, and when placed in sequence, they would tell a tale of self-discovery. The narrative followed a protagonist on a profound expedition to an island, an allegory for the journey of inner connection with nature, the stars, and oneself.

Wearable Narratives for Universo Maglia

When the photos are arranged in the right order, they reveal the complete narrative. However, the photos are not locked into a fixed narrative structure. Instead, they are designed to be rearranged, encouraging readers to create their own stories.

In this work Universo Maglia's clothes went beyond being mere garments; every piece of clothing has its own narrative, and was waiting to be interpreted and reshaped.

Photography and illustrations: Sirai Bucarelli
Art Direction: Buckosh studios - Klio Kosuth and Sirai Bucarelli

A Journey from Past to Present