A Visual Journey of Reconnection

This animations, for Reconnect Retreats, held in the serene landscapes of Mallorca, is a representation of the retreat's core values—connection with nature, with oneself, and with each other, and the profound reconnection to all these elements.

It's a visual odyssey, that unfolds in a loop, symbolizing the eternal nature of these connections. It begins with hands holding together, a powerful symbol of unity and the starting point of the journey. These joined hands transformed into a towering tree under the starry night sky, evoking nature, the universe, and the stars.

The tree morphed into the expansive sea, waves rolling in and out, representing the ebb and flow of life's rhythms. From the sea emerged a tender hug between two individuals, symbolizing the deep connections that are formed during the retreat. And just as the embrace concluded, the animation seamlessly looped back to the beginning, illustrating the endless cycle of of life.
